Congratulations on your two moves! Such things take courage and are stressful to boot. But were well within your capabilities obviously. Thank you for the well wishes you extended to your readers.. they're greatly appreciated.🙂 May you and those you care for prosper, flourish, and thrive in all ways in this coming year.

(And may glorious France prevail today!)

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Thanks. I think it is going to be a great match. France are the superior side on paper, but their side is also depleted by a respiratory virus and injuries. So let’s see. Messi winning would be a fairy tale finish to an international career though. Have a great new year!

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You too! And it was!

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Releasing virus is dangerous isn't it? As a layman it seems scary .

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I agree that it could be problematic. The issue is that Australia doesn’t really have any good choices - all of them are bad. They have to find the least bad one.

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Referencing the Carp article. It seems to me that the idea of releasing a virus into the wild for the purpose of controlling the carp population is potentially a VERY BAD IDEA!

Even in DNA viruses mutations can occur and we're not that distant genetically from fish (we're both tetrapods and fish got infected with SARS Covid 19 as we did but to less dire effect) We might have a nightmare scenario where the virus first gets geographically widespread via hitchhiking (as did Covid), then finds a way to jump to other fish species to lethal effect on them and consequently our fisheries, then jumps to other phylla!!

I have a perhaps crackpot theory that there may have been extinctions of animal species in the dim past that were caused by some highly contagious and highly lethal viruses that perished along with their hosts. Paleovirologists should at least consider the possibility!

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So Australia has a history of dealing with invasive species and biological control. Here’s an example of a large experiment with a virus that decimated rabbits (you will need to scroll down a bit): https://gyandemic.substack.com/p/when-people-deliberately-caused-a

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All the best for your new endeavours! Isn't there a plan/plans similar to the Australian one for carp control for mosquitos?

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There’s an idea that mosquitoes can be controlled by releasing more defective ones, take care https://themorningcontext.com/chaos/can-we-fight-mosquitoes-by-releasing-more-of-them

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